Perfect place to take your vehicle for maintenance. Ming is friendly and thorough. Ming understands that there are probably tens if not hundreds of things you could do to maintain your car, and with each inspection, he lists those items and is clear which are essential in the moment, which will be needed in the near-medium term ("brake pads 30%, likely need to be replaced in 3-6 months depending on mileage driven"), and which are cosmetic or not really necessary (for example, my older car's malfunctioning tire pressure sensors are better served by just checking periodically). As such he has helped me prioritize repairs and avoid over-spending on the maintenance of an older car. The car has been running perfectly. The drop-off process has always been seamless, and he always finishes the repairs on time and returns the car in good order clean to me. He is the best mechanic I have ever been to, including when the car was younger and I used to take it to the dealer. Every trip to the dealer felt like they were trying to sell me something; when I go to Ming, it's like seeing a friend who knows a ton about cars but also has your best interest at heart. Wonderful mechanic and person. Highly recommend.