Posted on 3/22/2022

With gas prices soaring high throughout the country, many drivers are looking for ways to make their mode of transportation run more efficiently. Let's face it: you want to pinch a penny where you can. While there are tips that will replenish your gasoline without paying, there are some changes you can make to your car or driving that can you money in the long run: Start your engine and start driving: People often believe they need to warm up their engine before driving, but that is not the case anymore for vehicles today. So don't waste your gas by idling and go! Avoid riding your brakes: While it is good to be cautious, some of us can be over-cautious. You can increase your fuel economy by up to 30% if you refrain from riding your brakes. Instead, we recommend taking it slow and keeping a safe distance from Don't make it a race: When you accelerate your vehicle, you must do so in a gradual manner. Quick jumps in speed can burn a significant amount of fuel, and yo ... read more