Posted on 7/29/2021
The catalytic converter is one of the most critical parts of your vehicle's exhaust system. It is located between the muffler and the engine, and its primary function is to manage and transform harmful pollutants that would come from your car's exhaust into non-polluted air. It ensures that the emissions that are discharged from the muffler are considerably safer. WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL PROBLEMS OF THE CATALYTIC CONVERTER? The catalytic converter is a car part that is meant to last for as long as ten years. However, it can become clogged, overheated, damaged, and contaminated. If this were the case, it could lead to a sluggish and whiny engine. The most common contaminants that a catalytic converter may face are a result of leaded gasoline. Luckily, this type of gasoline is seldom used in the US. On the other hand, the catalytic converter can become contaminated by coolant leaks, combustion, a faulty head-gasket, or even engine oil. A catalytic converter can al ... read more